straight-line graph - перевод на русский
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straight-line graph - перевод на русский

PSLG; Planar straight line graph; Pslg; Planar subdivision

straight-line graph      


линейный граф

straight line         
  • Drawing of a line segment "AB" on the line "a"
  • 300x300px
  • A line on polar coordinates without passing though the origin, with the general parametric equation written above
  • thumb
Ray (geometry); Half-line; Half line; Mathematical formula for a line; Mathematical line; Co-linear; Ray (mathematics); Non-collinear points; Horizontal line; Half-line (ray); Dimension line; Hyperpoint; Line (math); Straight-line; Lineamental; Lineamentation; Line (mathematics); Equation of a line; Megalineament; Straight lines; Straight Line; Straight line; Euclidean line; Linear curve; Solid line; Infinite line

общая лексика

прямая линия

строительное дело

прямая (линия)

  • Drawing of a line segment "AB" on the line "a"
  • 300x300px
  • A line on polar coordinates without passing though the origin, with the general parametric equation written above
  • thumb
Ray (geometry); Half-line; Half line; Mathematical formula for a line; Mathematical line; Co-linear; Ray (mathematics); Non-collinear points; Horizontal line; Half-line (ray); Dimension line; Hyperpoint; Line (math); Straight-line; Lineamental; Lineamentation; Line (mathematics); Equation of a line; Megalineament; Straight lines; Straight Line; Straight line; Euclidean line; Linear curve; Solid line; Infinite line


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Смотрите также

straight-line capacitance; straight-line equation; straight-line flight; straight-line frequency; straight-line function; straight-line graph; straight-line graticube; straight-line interpolation; straight-line motion; straight-line regression; straight-line relationship; straight-line segment; straight-line trend; straight-line wavelength


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поточный (о производстве)




(голл. water-lijn, от water - вода и lijn - линия)

линия соприкасания поверхности воды с корпусом плавающего судна. Грузовая В. совпадает со спокойной поверхностью воды при полной загрузке судна и соответствует наибольшей допускаемой в эксплуатации осадке; положение грузовой В. отмечается грузовой маркой (См. Грузовая марка). Теоретические В., изображаемые на теоретическом чертеже судна, получают сечением поверхности корпуса судна горизонтальными плоскостями. Форма В. и величина очерченной ею площади влияют на характеристики ходкости и остойчивости судна.


Planar straight-line graph

In computational geometry and geometric graph theory, a planar straight-line graph, in short PSLG, (or straight-line plane graph, or plane straight-line graph) is a term used for an embedding of a planar graph in the plane such that its edges are mapped into straight-line segments. Fáry's theorem (1948) states that every planar graph has this kind of embedding.

In computational geometry, PSLGs have often been called planar subdivisions, with an assumption or assertion that subdivisions are polygonal rather than having curved boundaries.

PSLGs may serve as representations of various maps, e.g., geographical maps in geographical information systems.

Special cases of PSLGs are triangulations (polygon triangulation, point-set triangulation). Point-set triangulations are maximal PSLGs in the sense that it is impossible to add straight edges to them while keeping the graph planar. Triangulations have numerous applications in various areas.

PSLGs may be seen as a special kind of Euclidean graphs. However, in discussions involving Euclidean graphs, the primary interest is their metric properties, i.e., distances between vertices, while for PSLGs the primary interest is the topological properties. For some graphs, such as Delaunay triangulations, both metric and topological properties are of importance.

Как переводится straight-line graph на Русский язык